Offensive Video

This video involves the issue of gun control, and  a view that is considered offensive. The commercial was supposed to be aired during the super bowl but was deemed offensive so it was not shown. It’s offensive that it wasn’t show because of that reason. People should be able to express their views however they want without any restrictions as it reads in the constitution. Just because a couple people don’t like someones opinion doesn’t mean that it should be rejected. There isn’t really anything that is said in the commercial that is offensive. All he talks about is protecting his family with guns if he has to. That should be allowed to be shown during the super bowl. Even if the opposing view ran a commercial during the super bowl, there wouldn’t be an issue because they are just expressing their opinion.

Some people might say that any type of these views should not be presented during the super bowl, which is not a bad idea. Still though these opinions should be allowed to be expressed with no restrictions.

NFL Bans ‘Offensive’ Pro-Gun Commercial from the Super Bowl


Top Right News. “NFL Bans ‘Offensive’ Pro-Gun Commercial from the Super Bowl” YoutubeYoutube, 01 Dec 2013. Web.

English as the Official Language

English should become America’s official language resulting in unity among the people, reduction of segregation, and establishing the U.S.’ power. Unity among the people would help with communication in everyday life for immigrants and other citizens. It would help with the workforce, criminal justice system and public relations. One that doesn’t learn English might struggle to find a job and if a job is found, it can be very challenging to communicate with customers and co-workers. Many times conflicts happen within the restaurants where the cook and the waiter speak two different languages and the customer pays the price by getting the wrong food due to lack of communication. There are also complications with the law and language. It is difficult and can also be a threat if a patron doesn’t speak English. When an officer is shouting out commands to a suspect that doesn’t speak English, they obviously aren’t going to carry the demands out because they don’t understand what is being said. This is the language that the country was founded on, and what the constitution is written in therefore. It make sense to declare English as the official language.


Some people might say that establishing English as the official language would be offensive or even racist. Language has nothing to do with race. Having an official language doesn’t mean that a native language can’t be spoken, just that people must know some English.


English as the Offical Language

In class we discussed how there are many different languages that are used in the United States. With the use of many different languages there can be challenges in the means of communicating. For example, many restaurant have a diverse work group where some of the employees may not speak English. Something might happen where an order gets messed up because the employees are not communicating due to different languages. A restaurant isn’t the only setting where this can be an issue. Many colleges have professors where English is not their first language, or who can barely even speak it, yet they are still used to teach America’s future. Which is absolutely ridiculous. If a student cannot understand what the instructor is saying, then there is an issue. This is where having English as an “official” language would benefit the people. The U.S. government should recognize English as the official language to prevent these issues. This would better the country as it would make it more organized, with one spoken language instead of many different ones. Doing this would eliminate some of these issues where challenges are faced due to different languages being spoken. Some people might say that it is racist 0r insensitive to have an official language, but it’s not. This is our country where English is the main language. We the people should not have to make accommodations for others coming into the country, it should be the other way around. Immigrants should expect to learn the language, and if they don’t, then it will be a struggle and a challenge to live here. Just like traveling to other countries, they expect you to learn the language and adapt. So I’m not saying that the U.S. should not allow people who can’t speak English to live here but that accommodations should not be made for those people who can’t, and the English language should be recognized as the official language of the U.S.


Lutz and Cross Anaylisis

William Lutz, The World of Doublespeak

In the essay The World of Doublespeak by, Willliam Lutz it discusses what doublespeak is, and how it is used in real life. He talks about how doublespeak is used in politics. Lutz defines doublespeak as, “…a blanket term for language which pretends to communicate but doesn’t …” (249) This implies that whenever doublespeak is used, it is meant to persuade people by tricking them. They make what they are saying sound really sophisticated when it really isn’t.  In the passage WIlliam talks about how many  advertisements use double speak in them, in everyday life and in politics.

Donna Woolfolk Cross, Propaganda: How Not to be Bamboozled

Donna Woolfolk Cross writes, Propaganda: How Not to be Bamboozled, where she talks about many different kinds of propaganda that is used in everyday life, and politics. One of the propaganda techniques  that stands out to me is plain-folks appeal. In the essay Cross defines this as, “… the device by which a speaker tries to win our confidence and support by appearing to be a person like ourselves.” (211) This is one of he most popular ways of persuasion because it is everywhere. Every time the commercials come on the T.V. there is some kind of plain- folk appeal ad. Another popular propaganda technique is testimonial. This means that having someone important tell people to do something or buy something. (Cross, 218) One example is the Billy Mays, OxyClean commercials. Just because he is kind of famous he, and in no way an expert, still persuades people to buy OxyClean. She talks about how propaganda is used in politics, “Senator Yakalot uses name- calling when he denounces his opponents ‘radical policies’ and calls them (and him) ‘socialist,’ ‘pinko,’ and part of a ‘heartless plot.'” This is the technique called name-calling and is used when politicians throw each other under the bus.

These essays are similar in how they come up with different ways to persuade the public. Whether it is from an expert, or someone who is just an average joe. They talk about how both methods are used in politics to persuade the people.

Works cited

Cross, Donna Woolfolk. “Propaganda: How not to Be Bamboozled”. Language Awareness: Readings for College Writers. Eds. Paul Eschholz, Alfred Rosa, and Virginia Clark. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2013. 209-19. Print.

Lutz, William. “The World of Doublespeak “. Language Awareness: Readings for College Writers. Eds. Paul Eschholz, Alfred Rosa, and Virginia Clark. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2013. 248-58. Print.

Stephen King, Learning Fiction

Stephen King writes about learning the craft of fiction by reading bad writings. He says the best way is to read. Reading bad pieces shows you what not to do, he writes,” One learns most clearly what not to do by reading bad prose…” (179) A writer can also learn from good writing pieces by using the same concepts and techniques of different writings. King states,” Good writing, on the other hand, teaches the learning writer about style, graceful narration, plot development, the creation of believable characters, and truth- telling.” (179) I think that this could definitely help for the writing that we do in class. I feel like the more examples that we would help just so that we see what is a good example and a bad example. I also agree with his conclusions. I am a hands on learning person so looking at multiple examples of good and bad writing would help extremely.

Works Cited

King, Stephen. “Reading to Write”. Language Awareness: Readings for College Writers. Eds. Paul Eschholz, Alfred Rosa, and Virginia Clark. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2013.178-82. Print.

Words Don’ t Mean What They Mean

In this passage Pinker brings up an example of how words can mean something that wasn’t intended when it was stated. This example involves Wanda Brandstetter, a lobbyist for NOW. She was accused of ” contract for bribery” for giving an Illinois representative a business card asking for help, and in exchange $1,000. Pinker writes,”… tried to get an Illinois state representative to vote for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) by handing him a business card on which she had written, Mr. Swanstrom, the offer for help in your election, plus $1,000 for your campaign for the pro- ERA vote.” This example shows how someones words can be taken as something they aren’t. In this case I agree with the prosecutor and the jury. Even though she may have not meant it that way that is how it seemed, and since she wrote it down that made it like a contract.

Writing to Change the World

After reading Writing to Change the World, by Mary Pipher, I think her writing deserves an A. It seems like Pipher has a command for the writing, like she knows a lot about what she is saying. Another point that stood out to me is the use of detail in the writing. She is talking about the Anne Frank museum in Washington D.C. and writes,” The museum showed a short film clip of Anne dressed in white, her long hair dark and shiny. She is waving an exuberantly from a balcony at a wedding party that is parading down the street.” This description of Anne Frank is amazing. From this is can picture a little girl with long dark hair, dressed in white, waving from a balcony. Another factor in my grade given is the organizational structure of the writing. in the rubric it states,” Has an effective organizational structure, including introductory matter, a guiding sentence. She starts of with her favorite book. She describes it in full detail and then proceeds to move on to the other topics. This shows good organizational structure because she finish hers thoughts and then moves on. These are all factors for which I gave Writing to Change the World by Mary Pipher an A.

The Importance of Early Childhood Experiences within the Educational System

Cal Williams

Professor Benjamin Taylor

English 101, 9:30


In the story, On Being 17, Bright, and Unable to Read, David Raymond struggles with tasks that involve reading and writing because he has dyslexia. He tells stories about how he is called out by people because he cannot read or write.These stories are about his early childhood experiences in school and how they affected him as a person. Raymond’s story shows us that childhood experiences can affect how you look at things in the future. He says,” I couldn’t throw a ball where it was supposed to go, I couldn’t learn to swim, and I wouldn’t learn to ride a bike, because no matter what anyone told me, I knew I’d fail.” This shows that from some of his past childhood experiences of not being able to do things, that he doesn’t even try new things because he assumes he won’t be able to do it. Raymond’s story shows us that it is very important to have good childhood experiences in the educational system because if you don’t then it will affect negatively in the future.

The College Classroom

In high school, you are treated like a child. Attendance is taken everyday to make sure you are accounted for, and when you didn’t show up, there were consequences. Here is college it is much different, the teachers could care less if you are present or not and I like that. The fact that I have to make myself go to class, not my parents, not the teacher or even the government is a good thing for me. I have already noticed that every aspect of the classroom is different, even the work. I have to hold myself accountable for doing my own work on time, which is great.  I enjoy how the classes are taught. They are more centered around the education aspect unlike high school where it is almost like a daycare. I like being treated like an adult and not just some kid, and one thing that stands out to me the most is going to the restroom. I used to have to raise my hand and ask permission to use the restroom. Then of course there was always someone who got to go before me. I can’t stand this, why should I have to ask to use the restroom? I should just be able to go when I please, and in college I can.